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Save money on your mobile phone plan

We all wonder what the best mobile phone plan for our needs is, billshrink.com can get you there.   billshrink.com offers several discounting services, but it most helpful service allows you to input your mobile telephone account access information and then evaluates your useage and provides suggestions for the best plan to fit your needs. 

billshrink.com looks at voice usage, text message usage, and data usage.   In addition it takes into account coverage in your work and home coverage area, type of handset or smartphone, and contract cost to buy out your current contract to change plans.

I have used billshrink.com for 4 years now and have been happy with the results.   I usually check bill shrink every three months to ensure that I am getting the best deal.  I recommend billshrink.com as a great way to reduce your mobile phone expense.

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