Entries in Saving Money (28)


Part 2 of 3 Do you really need Microsoft Office? The desktop installation alternatives.

Today we will take a look at the desktop installation alternatives to Microsoft Office, first we start with Open Office / Libre Office. 

Libre Office / Open Office  

Score 9/10

Pros: Low Cost, Excellent Office Compatibly, Easy Install

Cons: Missing some Office Features, Some file compatibly issues

For the best choice in Office replacement software you probably want Libre Office / Open Office.   Even though some high end features missing, these programs are by far the best.


Kingsoft and SoftMaker Office

Score 8/10

Pros: Low Cost, Good Office Compatibly, Easy Install, Multiple Device Support

Cons: Some cost, Missing some Office Features, Some file compatibility issue

Similar to the challenges with Libre Office and OpenOffice, Kingsoft and Softmaker Office both have detailed comparisons to Microsoft Office, Kingsoft comparison and SoftMaker Office comparison.

Next installment we will look at web based Office compatible suites.  If as always if you have any questions or comments, please leave them. 




Part 1 of 3 Do you really need Microsoft Office?

It used to be that there were not a lot of options if you need a Microsoft Office compatible software system, but now wide range of options exists, here is a quick overview,

-          LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice, both are installed on your PC, both are free.

-          Kingsoft and SoftMaker Office, both are installed on your PC, both are low cost(cheaper than Microsoft Office).

-          Google Docs and Zoho, both are web browser based and both, are free, or low cost.

All of these systems provide reasonable alternatives to Microsoft Office, and in the coming week we will review the pros and cons of each system.  We will look at, specfically, where each package rates on a scale of 1to 10 for usability, interoperability with Microsoft Office, and value for cost. 


5 things that you can do on your smartphone, that you could only do on your computer 5 years ago

I sat down the other day and thought about the 5 things that I can do on my smartphone that I could only with my computer 5 years ago.  I imagine that some people might have been able to do some of these things 5 or more years ago, but my bet is probably not.

1) Watch Streaming Media.   Netflix, Check. Hulu Plus, Check. Amazon Streaming, Check.  Between 2009 and 2011 all of these services became available on your smartphone.   No more lugging your laptop out when you want to watch something in your downtime.

2) Access CRM SaaS Packages.   No more cut down applications, no more limited integration, no issues with synchronization.   You can gain full access to you CRM package with very, very limited, to no constraints. For me this has made a major difference in my ability to interact effectively with my customer base.

3) Navigation and Mapping.  These applications have really come into their own in the last 5 years.   Google Maps for Mobile came out in November 2008 and was the first really functional smartphone map application.   Since then the competitive environment has lead to innovation and better and better fidelity on the maps. 

4) Translation.   Starting in 2008 these tools started to appear in browsers based on smartphones.  Soon after applications and software started to grow and become more complex eventually allowing text, picture, and voice based translation between dozens of languages.

5) Mobile VoIP.  Since the first integrated VoIP applications with Nokia in 2008, VoIP has exploded.   From Skype to Ring Central, and now the dozens of low cost providers VoIP is now a integrated part of most smart phones providing a easy to use, cheap and reliable voice communication.


How we help nonprofits

One of the most important things that we value is the benefit that nonprofit organizations provide to our community.  With this in mind we provide a diversity of tools to help nonprofits succeed in their missions,

-          A discount on our hourly service and contract service rates.

-          Provide access to low and no cost software and services available only to nonprofits

-          Design, develop, implement and train individuals and organizations on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) / Operations Management Systems (OMS/ERP).

-          IT support from simple desktop support to local and external network support.

Some examples of nonprofit support that we have provided are,

-          Setting up a nonprofit association and membership website for a 250 member organization.   This system allows a full featured website with private member area, social media integration, and automated membership processing.  This includes payment processing; QuickBooks file output, and training materials with video tutorials. Volunteers now spend only 2 hours a month administering the system, rather than the previous 12 hours.

-          Development of a Salesforce.com system to track organizational Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), client record tracking with a full history of all client interactions incorporating audit features, and the ability to expand the database capabilities as the organization grows. The system resulted in a reduction of 32 hours of processing on a quarterly basis and allows the organization to meet their grant reporting requirements in a matter of minutes through automated reporting.

-          An IT audit that resulted in the rationalization of a current organizations infrastructure.  This included implementation of a virtual PBX phone system, remote access system, and automated backup.   Software was updated using nonprofit discounted licenses.  This saved the nonprofit in excess of $750 a month.

If you want to find out more about how we help nonprofits in metro Denver, contact up today at 303-997-2719.


Save your Club or Association time and money

I have done at least 5 Wild Apricot implementations in the last year and have received rave reviews on every one.  What is Wild Apricot? here it is straight from their site,

Wild Apricot is web-based software for small associations and non-profits to help manage membership, website, events and other activities. It is "cloud" software, meaning it runs through a web browser without needing to install anything on your local computer. Since our focus is small organizations, we've designed Wild Apricot to be both powerful and affordable, with pricing plans starting at just $25 per month.

Wild Apricot link

The organizations that I have implemented have been anywhere from 20 to 500 members.  With the scalability and ease of use Wild Apricot has a massive advantage over most other options.  To find out if Wild Apricot is a good fit, click the link below to find out, 

Membership Software Comparison

If you have any questions, please feel free to use the comments or contact me.