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Part and parcel of buying a new computer is what to do. With the old one. Data transfer from old to new is one answer, just wipe the old one after you are done.
With the increasing prevalance of data recovery tools, this may not be the best answer.
In a recent non scientific test I tried data recovery on a client who's machine had been "wiped". The results were suprising for the client, not for me. Not only did we recover data from the most recent "wipe",but I was able to recover data from a system "wipe" and restore over 2 years ago.
This is really indicative of the much larger issue. Unless you are confident that you have completely removed the private data from your old computer , you are still very much at risk at having your data captured and used without your knowledge and permission.
Collaboration Lab offers a number of options for deleting permanmently, repurposing and destroying/recycling your old computer. Contact us today for more information, here.