Entries in Small Business (64)


Windows 8.1 is here, here is what to expect

It has been a year in the making, but Windows 8.1 is here, here are some features / updates to expect,

1. Start/Boot to Desktop


2. Changed Backgrounds and Lock Screen 

3. More Tile Sizes

4. Universal Bing Search From Anywhere 

5. Redesigned App Store

6. New Paint and Camera Apps 

7. Added App Resizing Features 

8. More Keyboard and Mouse Support

Microsoft has a link to download here, 

The Windows Store

And here are some great reviews of the changes, 

Windows 8.1 now ready for PCs — here's what it is and how to get it

Windows 8.1 Release is Here: Free Update in Windows Store

The update looks bug free, but as with all new software releases expect some updates to come out in the first couple of weeks. Feel free to let me know what your experience with Windows 8.1 is in the comments. 



Colorado Flood Victims Get a Break with $500 Relief for Data Recovery

Here is a very generous offer from my hard drive recovery partner DriveSavers.   Please feel free to forward this to someone who might benefit from it. 

Residents of flood-stricken towns in Colorado have experienced unthinkable devastation. Now, DriveSavers is stepping in to help them put the digital pieces of their lives back together. From irreplaceable family memories to critical tax documents, we're reaching out to people who've lost their important data due to flooding and water damage. Until December 1, we're offering $500 off of our data recovery services for single hard drives: one recovery per person and one recovery per business.

To start the data recovery process, call me at 303-997-2719 and leave your name and contact telephone number.


What to do when iGoogle goes away

I have received several inquires about what to do when iGoogle goes away, first of all, here is what iGoogle is,  

iGoogle is a customizable homepage. You can create a personalized homepage that contains a Google search box at the top, and your choice of any number of gadgets below. Gadgets come in lots of different forms and provide access to activities and information from all across the web, without ever having to leave your iGoogle page.

It is going away because techonolgy has provided for these functions directly within a web browser, here is what you can do,
As always if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  he removal of iGoogle will not effect you other Google services.

My Favorite Malware and Toolbar Cleaner

There have been a lot of different Malware and Toolbar Cleaners, but by far the one that I find the most effective as of late is AdwCleaner. This write up pretty much sums it up for for me, 

"Many antivirus programs and uninstaller programs can handle browser toolbars and other crapware, but sometimes, even they can't uninstall all the pieces. Heck, sometimes you aren't even sure what you're looking for. AdwCleaner is a portable program that finds every last bit of crapware on your system for you, with just one click."

From Lifehacker

I strongly suggest that you check out AdwCleaner, but remember that once it gets this easy to remove Malware and Toolbars, you may no longer think that they no no longer a issue.  Check out the download site here, 



Come find out more about Wild Apricot

On September 13, 2013 I will be facilitating a meeting revewing Wild Apricot.   Here is a quick overview of the event, 

Do the following features interest your nonprofit?

  • An easy solution to run your website, something everyone in your organization can update.
  • A mass email solution that allows you to track all interaction with your constituents.
  • Accounting and web payment processing that integrates with Quickbooks and other accounting programs.
  • Blogging, Forum, and Member Area functions native to the system.
  • A no-maintenance system that is hosted for you, for a low monthly fee, between $25 an $200 a month based on the size of your organization.

Wild Apricot might be the answer.

Wild Apricot is web-based software for small associations and non-profits to help manage membership, website, events and other activities. It is "cloud" software, meaning it runs through a web browser without needing to install anything on your local computer. It is built for small organizations, under 5000 members.

Join us for a free session to find out more!

Thanks to T4T for hosing the session,  if you would like to attend, please register here,

Save your nonprofit time, money and hassle with a single website donor/member management solution

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.