Recycling and Shredding Event this Saturday!

Northwest Denver Electronic Recycling and Paper Shredding Event
Sponsored By
Rocky Mountain Driveline, Denver's Moving Boxes, Collaboration Lab
October 27, 2012
9:30 AM until 3:30 PM
Location 4210 Tennyson Street, Denver, CO
Paper Shredding provided at $3.00 per cubic foot, one cubic foot minimum
Data / Hard Drive destruction provided at $10.00 per drive
Sample acceptable items for free recycling:
Desktop / Servers, Laptops / tablets, Keyboards & mice, Computer Components, Power & USB cables, network cables, routers & switches, desk & mobile phones, Stereo equipment (without speakers), Amplifiers, receivers,
Monitors & Flat Panel TVs (up to 40 inch), Nothing Larger Accepted
Safe Recycling Fee for the following:
Inkjet Printers $4, Laserjet Printers $4, Fax machines $4, Fax, print, scan $7, CRTs & tube TVs, Up to 17” $14
18” to 22” is $18, 22” to 28” is $22, 29” to 40” is $26, Nothing larger accepted
Items not accepted:
Speakers, Paint / Varnish, Liquids of any type, Filters / Biohazards, Mercury (thermostats, etc), lights / lamps / bulbs
Appliances of any type, Air conditioners / heaters
Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card, and Visa Accepted
For any questions, call 303-997-2719