Entries in Security (34)


A quick tip on rouge software

In the past month I have received several calls about a pop up security message, similar to these, 


If you receive a message in a popup dialog box that resembles this warning, press ALT + F4 on your keyboard to close the dialog box. Do not click anything inside the dialog box, and do not click on any subsequent dialogue boxes that may pop up.  If a ongoing warning keeps appearing when you try to close the dialog box, it’s a good indication that the message is malicious.

If you see this message, do not purchase the software it promotes, do not install any program it suggests.

One tool that can provide you an oppurtunity to remove the software is Microsoft Security Scanner.  It is an excellent tool and works in the majority of infections.  If for whatever reason this program does not work, feel to contact me and we can get your system recovered.



Recycling or selling a old device, make sure that your information is off it

With the ever increasing pace of technological advancement, the question of what to do with old devices is brought up.  Many clients I work with are not aware of the risks of selling or recycling an old device without being 100% sure all personal information is off it.  Cell and smart phones, tablets, laptops, and computers all carry personal information of one sort or another, even deleting this information may not make it inaccessible.   Check out the story below, 

Best case scenario a TV station does a news report on the computer that they purchased from you, worst case might be this, 

Collaboration Lab provides several solutions to address removal and / or destruction of personal information off of your electronic device.  Don't risk the chance of your personal information being used, distributed, and exploited, contact us today.


Red Team USA Cyber Security Workshop for Lawyers

"Law firms are a very attractive target for cyber attacks by anyone seeking sensitive information," says Bradford A. Bleier, Unit Chief, Cyber National Security Section, FBI Cyber Division.

Today, Every Law Practice is “A Cyber Security Risk.” High Costs Can Result From Failure To Implement The Recent ABA Client Confidentiality Rules & Cyber Data Protection.

Today’s Cyber Criminal designs programs to attack and steal from specific business types. Law Firms are no exception, in fact, they are prime targets for a Cyber Security attack.

Data breaches, privacy infringements, and theft of intellectual property or other sensitive organizational data come at a tremendous cost. Some government reports estimate that cyber breaches cost the U.S. economy over $1 trillion annually. Businesses that are victimized by Cyber Intrusions risk significant liability in fines, penalties, and damages.

This workshop examines the potential legal liability for data breaches and not implementing state-of-the-art cyber security protection:

- In today's world what are "reasonable" efforts when it comes to preventing disclosure or access to client information.

- Do I notify all my clients that we've had a security breach of our network?

- One of our associates loses his USB thumbdrive - does that constitute a security breach?

Discussions: Are you using Cloud services or thinking about it? Do you use mobile devices? Who has access to your network? Do you and your clients send sensitive attorney-client privileged information back and forth over regular email? Do you know how easy it can be compromised? What are your ethical and legal duties to protect client-confidentiality when using technology?


Presenter: David Willson

JD, CISSP, Security+

Titan Info Security Group

(A Cyber Security Law Firm)

What You'll Learn:

- Overview of threats and vulnerabilities to data in 2013

- Ethics Rules for Lawyers and the Use Of Technology - Rule 1.6 (c)

- When does a breach of security fall under CRS 6-1-716

- How data is lost or stolen

- How to better protect client confidentiality and sensitive

- Ethics: 1 CLE hour

- Cyber Security General Education: 1 CLE hour


Presenter: Nick Krut


Cyber Security Scientist

Red Team USA

(A Cyber Security Firm)

CLE Cyber Security for Legal Professionals:

Join us for our Lunch & Learn Workshop February 12th

Presented by the Red Team USA Advisor Group

Click Here to Register February 12 - Limited Seating

Where: Red Team USA Conference rooms

4155 E. Jewell Ave, Denver 80222

When: Feb12, 11:00 – 1:00

Price: $75

Lite Lunch is served along with water, tea & coffee

Click Here to Register February 12 - Limited Seating


Check out our new Videos page

For quite a while I have been using video with clients to make complex tasks easier.   Now that I have quite a few of these video completed I have added a new video page to my site, here is a direct link, 

Collaboration Lab Videos

I have some great videos outlining Monthly Maintenance, so be sure to review them and keep your machine in tip top shape.   There are also some very informative videos form Red Team USA.  Let me know if you have any questions, or suggestions for videos that you would like to see made.

Here is a quick video on Windows Update,



Parental Controls can help

If you are a Windows 7 user one of the great tools that you have access to is Parental Controls. Parental Controls is a tool built into Windows 7 that allows you to restrict program use, monitor time online, and limit the type of content that the child can view.

Now even if you do not believe in limitations, or monitoring, one good point to think about is the program access restriction.

Approximately 2 in 5 of all major virus infections that I work on are a result of a child, spouse, or friend downloading a program that hey should not have, thus resulting in a damaged computer. With the restrictions that Parental Controls imposes this stops this issue cold.  So, even if you are weary of keeping a close watch on your child's activities, you may still want to look at restricting program access, and the ability for users other than the Administrator to install programs.

To find out more, here is a link to Microsoft with more detail on Parental Controls, 

Parental Controls

And if you are not inclined to read, here is short video, 

Using Parental Controls

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