Is your web cam taking pictures when you do not want it too?

I am not usually the paranoid one when it comes to invasion of privacy via or on the internet, I am of the mind that privacy in this zone was compromised from day one. Even so I am concerned by the increasing frequency of hacks and compromises concerning web cams and mobile cams.
Most recently this hack appeared,
Smile! Hackers Can Silently Access Your Webcam Right Through The Browser (Again)
Even though it is reported to have been fixed, I am more concerned of its existence in the first place.
Further to this you have the Arron's Computer Rental spyware,
How spyware on rental PCs captured users’ most intimate moments
and the FBI in this case,
FBI denied permission to spy on hacker through his webcam
These instances have prompted me to to even more vigilant when it comes to who can access my computer and why, and has even made me think about taping up my web cam. What are you thoughts?

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